Dr. Carter has developed unique webinars. Read below to learn more about them and determine which webinar is right for you.
What You Need to Know About Malignant Narcissists

This webinar will provide useful information on traits of malignant narcissists, as well as a general overview of malignant narcissism. It will help to explain how malignant narcissists became this way.
This webinar may be for you if:
- is unwilling to negotiate
- tells you what to do
- has zero empathy
- discards your feelings
- has an exaggerated belief in their superior status
What is this webinar about?
While narcissism is a pattern on a spectrum, malignant narcissism is on the far end of the spectrum. To these people, dominance is the name of their game, and they are driven by themes of power and authority. If you have had encounters with a malignant narcissists, this webinar is for you.
A Narcissist’s Anger Versus Your Calm Confidence

This webinar will provide useful information on dealing with a narcissist’s anger, especially as you learn to draw upon your own calm confidence. A capable person resides inside you, so let’s draw upon it!
This webinar may be for you if you want to:
- understand what is going on in the mind of an angry narcissist
- learn which responses “please” the narcissist
- discover your inner confidence and and how to hold onto it despite the narcissist’s contrary preferences
- apply your worth, your competence, your humility, and your freedom in crucial moments
What is this webinar about?
Dr. Les Carter will explain what is going on in the mind of the angry narcissist. Narcissists love to play the Victim card, blaming you for their dysfunctions, but as you gain insight, you will be positioned to reject that falsehood.
Covert Narcissism And Post Traumatic Stress

This webinar will provide useful information on schemes covert narcissists use to form trauma bonds with you and how you can break free.
This webinar may be for you if you want to:
- Individualize your efforts to become a healthier version of yourself
- Continue moving forward even when the covert narcissist desperately does not want that to happen
- Grasp the mindset of self-trust and translate it into action.
What is this webinar about?
The greatest problem associated with covert narcissism is that you become traumatically bonded to the manipulator before you realize the extent of that person’s schemes. But once you understand what you are up against, you can learn how to break free. Narcissists wish to maintain control, but that is not a script you have to participate in!
When A Narcissist Meets The People Pleaser

This webinar will provide useful information on dealing with a narcissist’s manipulations, especially as a people-pleasing person.
This webinar may be for you if you want to:
- Respond constructively to the conflict narcissists create
- Resist being motivated by the narcissist’s arbitrary grading system
- Stay out of the unnecessary game of offense/defense
- Remain a pleasing person…even as you are also committed to self-preservation
What is this webinar about?
Dr. Carter will explain how to understand the narcissist’s end game as your best ingredients are turned against you. He will spell out how you can find emotional stability as you learn to root out the narcissist’s instability. Then he will teach actionable tools for staying out of the psychological traps that might be laid in front of you.
The Empath’s Superpower: How to Set Boundaries with a Narcissist

This webinar will provide useful information on how you can better set boundaries with a narcissist as a highly empathetic person.
This webinar may be for you if you want to:
- Spot ways to stay disentangled from a narcissist’s scheming manipulations
- Identify ways narcissists will attempt to throw you off course as you live with your self-preserving priorities
- Respond with steadiness when the narcissist will predictably give you blow back for being true to yourself
What is this webinar about?
Uninformed or naïve empaths are easy targets for the narcissist since they prefer to give others the benefit of the doubt. But wise savvy empaths can discern a narcissist’s schemes, choosing to live within the safety of relationship boundaries.
Decoding Darkness: Responding to Malignant Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths

This webinar will provide useful information on dealing with Malignant Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths
This webinar may be for you if you want to:
- Develop a healthy fear for their potential as you determine your responses. Finding wisdom is crucial.
- Understand the pervasiveness of their gaslighting and control measures.
- Maintain a vision about who you can be despite their sabotaging efforts.
What is this webinar about?
As you learn about a narcissist’s malignancy, it becomes apparent that they need dominance, which means they see you as one to use and vanquish. But with discernment and awareness, you can determine not to play the role they wish to assign you. Knowledge is power, so your insights can sharpen your resolve to be strong and independent.
The Empath’s Superpower: How to Set Boundaries with a Narcissist

This webinar will provide useful information on how you can better set boundaries with a narcissist as a highly empathetic person.
You can expect to learn:
- The stark differences between a healthy person’s goals and a narcissist’s goals for the relationship.
- How to spot the narcissist’s pathological neediness that lurks beneath their smugness.
- Why they are unable to see you as you really are.
Who is this webinar for?
This webinar is for anyone seeking to reclaim their identity and autonomy from the grasp of narcissistic relationships. If you’ve felt diminished or exploited by a narcissist and are ready to understand the psychological tactics at play, this session will equip you with the insights and strategies needed to recognize red flags, assert your independence, and foster healthier connections.