Podcast: A Narcissist’s Underdeveloped Conscience
Your conscience is that inner voice reflecting your values and morality. Ideally, it would be developed in…
8 Signs That You’re Stuck In Narcissistic Trauma Bonds
Have you heard the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind”? When you’ve had ongoing connections with…
These Twin Traits Make Narcissists Insufferable
Do you ever seek gratifying experiences? Of course, you do. You prefer to spend time with your…
Podcast: The Trait That Eventually Reveals Covert Narcissism
Initially when you encounter a covert narcissist, you can be impressed by their seeming normalcy or charm….
Sociopathic Narcissists Who Team Up With Other Sociopaths
Keeping in mind that narcissism is a pattern on a spectrum, the far end of that spectrum…
The Delusional Thinking Behind A Narcissist’s Arrogance
Sadly, narcissists build an entire persona upon one falsehood after another. Hiding behind a False Self, they…
Podcast: The Blending Of Narcissists And Codependency, featuring Darlene Lancer
Dr. C welcomes author and therapist, Darlene Lancer, whose expertise is the exploration of narcissists, codependents, and…
Understanding A Narcissist’s Self-Loathing
Consider some of a narcissist’s most egregious tendencies: contempt, easy anger, inability to manage conflict well, lots…
Podcast: When Narcissists Refuse To Accept Your Boundaries, Featuring Dr. Jaime Zuckerman
Narcissists are threatened by you being distinctly you. This means they predictably use distorted thinking when you…