The Empath’s Superpower: How to Set Boundaries with a Narcissist

Empathy is a foundational ingredient in any thriving relationship. Individuals who readily exude empathy have a knack for maintaining rewarding relational connections. Being trustworthy and safe, empaths can help others feel comfortable enough in revealing their True Self. A phrase that aptly depicts the empath would be: “Let’s be real.”
Enter narcissists. Hiding behind the façade of the False Self, they are the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing, pretending to be interested in relationships when in fact they are seeking narcissistic supply.
Uninformed or naïve empaths are easy targets for the narcissist since they prefer to give others the benefit of the doubt. But wise savvy empaths can discern a narcissist’s schemes, choosing to live within the safety of relationship boundaries.
What Is Included In This Webinar Recording?
- Approximately 90 minutes of video featuring psychotherapist, Dr. Les Carter
- PowerPoint presentation offering a clear, extensive outline
- Guided questions designed for you to personalize the information presented.
- Questions from the live audience.
Meet Your Teacher

Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist, who has semi-retired to Waco, Texas. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.
In 2018, he founded Surviving Narcissism, which includes the SurvivingNarcissism YouTube channel and the Dr. Les Carter YouTube channel (with over 100 million views). His words: “In my history of conducting anger workshops, it became abundantly clear that self absorption, control cravings, and the lack of empathy were at the base of most interpersonal problems. So my therapeutic focus went deeper into the direction of understanding narcissism as a means of finding resolution to mood and relationship strains.” In addition to this website and his YouTube channels, Dr. Carter provides insights about narcissism via his courses, webinars, podcasts, and more. His goal is simple: explain narcissism and its powerful impact upon relationships, then offer alternatives for healthy living.

A Social Media Phenom
Dr. Carter has reached millions of people on social media. His YouTube channel “Surviving Narcissism” currently has over 715,000 YouTube subscribers and over 100,000,000 views. The channel is one of the fastest-growing channels and communities on the YouTube platform
In The Empath’s Superpower, you can expect to learn:
- The very distinct differences between a narcissist’s and an empath’s starting points.
- Why empathy is so crucial in healthy relationships.
- How narcissists might employ pseudo-empathy tactics.
- What causes narcissists to gravitate toward an empath.
In The Empath’s Superpower, you will be encouraged to:
- Spot ways to stay disentangled from a narcissist’s scheming manipulations.
- Develop a thorough understanding of the overall concept of relationship boundaries.
- Turn your resolve into well-conceived priorities.
- Then, learn specific actions and practices that translate into real time behavioral adjustments.
- Identify ways narcissists will attempt to throw you off course as you live with your self-preserving priorities.
- Respond with steadiness when the narcissist will predictably give you blow back for being true to yourself.
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Course Curriculum

This recorded webinar includes the entire video, featuring Dr. Carter. There also is a copy of the PowerPoint referenced throughout the webinar, which you can download. The webinar and PowerPoint end with a set of reflection questions for you to ponder.
Pricing Overview
Register for only $45
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