Your Emotional Sobriety as You Respond to a Narcissist
In my 40+ years as a therapist, people often told me stories that would fall into the…
Podcast: 12 Ways to Identify a Sociopathic Narcissist
There is a form of narcissism that is especially difficult: the sociopathic narcissist. Sociopaths are known for…
A Narcissist’s Top 10 Gaslighting Comments
The pattern of narcissism is defined by the need to control you, to maintain an edge of…
Podcast: How Narcissists Toy with Truth
For any relationship to thrive, trust has to be paramount. And for trust to be established, honesty…
The #1 Problem That Gets You Into Trouble With a Narcissist
Think carefully about recent times you have been in conflict with a narcissist. How open was that…
Podcast: 15 Off Label Patterns That Reveal Narcissism
Academia tells us that narcissists are identified by an attitude of entitlement, the need for control, willingness…
Narcissists Who Berate You Then Expect Your Loyalty
Narcissists have anger management issues. Their defining traits include being self-impressed, non-empathetic, controlling, clamoring for superiority, manipulative,…
Podcast: Why Are Narcissists So Resistant to Change?
In this episode, Dr. Carter takes you inside the mind of a therapist, discussing the patterns he…
Are Narcissists Just Mean Codependents?
Narcissists like thinking of themselves as highly independent, above others, and the standard bearers for The Way…