Podcast: Once You Realize You Can’t Get Through to a Narcissist
One of the finest qualities you can have is the desire to grow and learn. You know…
7 Predictable Ways Narcissists Will Contradict Themselves
After ongoing exposure to narcissists, you will begin to notice how they have many ways of presenting…
When a Narcissist Realizes You Are No Longer Interested
As you learn to manage your responses to a narcissist, a starting assumption can be this: Narcissists…
Podcast: Narcissism and the Problem of Phoniness
If you’re trying to manage life honestly, your entanglements with a narcissist can prove to be especially…
If Love Is the Answer, Then I Have Some Questions for the Narcissist
Most individuals spend their days tending to the many details required to make life run smoothly. We…
Podcast: Haughty Comments from Narcissists
In an effort to convey how narcissists think in real time, Dr. Les Carter draws upon testimonials…
The Quiet Cruelty of a Passive Aggressive Narcissist
Narcissists are the consummate scoreboarders, obsessed with their comparative standing with others. With a built-in selfishness, entitlement,…
Podcast: Narcissists Can’t Grasp That Control Is an Illusion
t should come as a shock to no one that narcissists have a pervasive need to control…
Why Are Narcissists So Easily Paranoid?
At the foundation of narcissism is pervasive insecurity. Now, most narcissists are too self-deluded to acknowledge their…