Dr. C welcomes Dr. Kerry McAvoy to today’s podcast.  You’ll enjoy their lively discussion about the many ways narcissists attempt to keep you off balance.  They are driven by a natural need to dominate and exploit, but as you understand their confusing mannerisms, you can detach from their harmful initiatives.
Kerry Kerr McAvoy, Ph.D., a psychologist and writer, is an expert on cultivating healthy relationships and deconstructing narcissism. Her blogs have been featured on Mamami, YourTango, Scary Mommy, and The Good Men Project. She offers trauma-related advice on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and the Breaking Free with Kerry & Tara podcast.

To listen to this week’s episode about Narcissists Are Masters At Creating Confusion, featuring Dr. Kerry McAvoy, click here. Watch the interview on YouTube, click here.

To listen to the last podcast episode about Detoxing From A Narcissist, featuring Natalie Jambazian, please click here.